I am 34. My mom was diagnosed with invasive ductile carsinoma about 3 weeks ago. The saying everything happens for a reason sounds so cliché, but the events leading up to her diagnosis solidified any doubt. My truck suddenly cutoff and I had to call for roadside assistance, which lead to me leaving work early (domething I never do) and having to immediately drive my car to the dealership for repairs. While en route, I almost had a horrific accident, but God spared me. I called my mom and thanked her for always praying for me and made mention of the challenges I'd experienced thus far. Nothing could have prepared me for the next bout... My mom called me and said her doctor wanted her to come in to review the results of her mammogram... I was so nonchalant, because I was convinced, nothing could be wrong with my momma... so I took it lightly... Not realizing out everything was playing out, but because my car had stopped, I left work early, and was only minutes away from the doctor's office. This was not a coincidence. God works in mysterious ways and it is always decent and in good order. Long story short, the doctor delivered the message. It is cancer. We held each other as we took turns agonizing and consoling each other over the news. So much so, the doctor acknowledged... "oh, you guys take turns." I will never forget the day our journey started. The most frightening thing in my mind is being an only child and a full time single working mother... I know there will be days that will require my body to do more than the average and I consistently pray and have faith that God will enable my body to do so. I look at my mom, she has always been the stronger wiser vessel, but at times I think and anticipate the roles will shift and that fightens me, but in those times, I must remind myself, I am not moved by what I see, only by what I believe... I am so uncertain of this journey, but I know that God is in control. I remind myself that in our weakness, His strength is made whole. Signed, the daughter of a mother recently diagnosed.