Where to Find Great Vitamins and Supplements

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JLP Staff

Health /


One of the questions on many people's mind is, “What vitamins should I take?” Most people take vitamins to make sure their body gets the micronutrients it needs. A balanced diet can go a long way toward ensuring a good vitamin intake, but it’s still a good idea to take vitamin supplements -- especially if you’re lactose-intolerant, you have a food allergy, or you have other restrictions on the variety of foods that you can eat. 

While it is always best to consult your health care professional before taking any supplements to figure out what is best for you and your body, four vitamin supplements to consider are: CoQ10, omega-3 fish oil, calcium, and a multivitamin. Some people do benefit from other vitamins, like extra B12 supplements that boost your energy levels, but these four are a good place to start.


CoQ10 is short for “coenzyme Q10,” also known as ubiquinone or ubidecarenone. It’s a fat-soluble molecule that’s found in the bodies of all animals, especially in mitochondria, the “powerhouse of the cell.” It’s really important for metabolism and respiration at the cellular level. It’s a vital part of the electron transport chain that lets mitochondria produce the ATP that cells use as energy. Because it’s fat-soluble it’s present in cell membranes, which are made out of phospholipids. In a mitochondrion’s inner membranes, CoQ10 is an electron carrier that plays an important role in ATP production. Energy and health start at the very smallest level in the body, inside of mitochondria in the body’s cells.

CoQ10 is also a potent antioxidant. When taken as a supplement, it has a wide range of health benefits. It’s been found to improve symptoms of cardiovascular problems. If you have migraines, CoQ10 is a great supplement to take. Studies have found that CoQ10 supplementation is effective as a prophylactic measure for migraines. Scientists aren’t entirely sure why, but one explanation is that migraines may be a mitochondrial disorder.

Be advised that if you take warfarin (Coumadin), a common blood-thinning medication, CoQ10 supplements could interfere with your medication. The molecular structure of CoQ10 is quite close to vitamin K, and can counteract warfarin’s anticoagulant effects. Before adding this to your daily intake, consult with your healthcare professional. 

To Purchase: Doctor's Best High Absorption CoQ10

Omega-3 Fish Oil

Fish oil is derived from “oily fish,” like salmon and tuna, that have a high concentration of oil in their tissues and body cavity. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA. There’s evidence that omega-3 fish oil supplementation may help counteract some of the mild cognitive effects that can arise with advanced age. Preclinical studies have suggested that they promote improved memory. For older adults, it’s a great addition to your daily vitamin regimen and can serve as a form of early intervention to help prevent age-related memory loss and cognitive decline.

There’s also evidence that omega-3 fatty acids can be a helpful adjunct therapy for mental health issues, especially mood disorders. If you struggle with anxiety or depression, taking an omega-3 supplement can be a helpful addition to other therapies like medications and talk therapy.

To Purchase: Burpless Fish Oil Omega 3


Calcium plays a number of important roles in the body, and it’s essential for any living organism. The release of calcium ions plays a role in cellular signaling, affecting processes like muscle contraction, neurological synapses, and cell growth. It even plays a role in synaptic plasticity, promoting memory and learning.

It’s also part of the mineralization of your teeth and bones. Many older people, especially slim women, are at risk of osteoporosis, a disease that decreases your bone strength and increases your risk of broken bones. Women are at increased risk during and after menopause, when the decline in estrogen levels in the body accelerates the thinning of bones. It’s recommended that older women increase their calcium intake to reduce the potential development of osteoporosis and calcium deficiency.

You should keep in mind that if you’ve had a stroke in the past or you’ve been diagnosed with white matter lesions in your brain, taking a calcium supplement could actually increase your risk of developing dementia. But for most people, especially women over 50, a calcium supplement is a great way to keep your bones healthy and make sure you meet your recommended daily calcium intake.

To Purchase: Nature's Bounty Calcium or Vitafusion Calcium Gummy Vitamins For Adults


They’re available as pills, as powders, and even as chewable gummy candies, and it is recommend that everyone should take one, at every age. They’re engineered to help you meet your daily recommended intake of the important vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

Here’s a good general-purpose multivitamin on Amazon. There are also multivitamins made specifically for men, for women, and for older adults. If you really can’t stand swallowing large pills, there are also gummy vitamins made for adults.

Staying Healthy with the Right Supplements

Everyone’s needs can be different, and some people can benefit from other supplements as well. For example, physicians routinely prescribe vitamin D to seniors, who are at a high risk of deficiency. People who struggle with low energy can benefit from B6 and B12 supplements. But regardless, supplements, combined with balanced nutrition, can give your body everything to survive and thrive.

Categories: Health
About The Author
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Joan Lunden’s in-house research and writing team works with Joan to create content that complements her focuses and the interests of her fans. The team is dedicated to creating a thriving community through content and conversations, and hopes their work, like Joan’s, can make a difference in the lives of her readers everywhere.

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