How to Make These 5 Healthy Foods Tasty

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JLP Staff

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Some healthy foods aren't exactly the most appetizing options. Whether the natural flavors of these foods simply aren't good or taste bland, it can be difficult to try to get up the desire to eat some of the best food for you. Luckily, there are several ways to make healthy foods taste great.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts have a bad reputation. Children and adults alike state that they hate Brussels sprouts more than any other food. However, this vegetable offers some amazing health benefits. They are high in protein and fiber, low in calories, and offer high levels of vitamin C. While it's true that Brussels sprouts can be bitter if they're picked at the wrong time, if picked fresh and in-season, you may find that you like them more than you thought.

When you're cooking Brussels sprouts, there are several ways to make them more appetizing. Roast them in the oven with butter, salt and pepper, and a drizzle of honey. This caramelizes the vegetable and gives it a sweet taste. While Brussels sprouts may not be your first choice in a salad, when mixed with the proper other vegetables and fruits such as pomegranate, shallots, and lemon, this much-hated vegetable makes for a delicious addition.


From the texture to the flavor, or in some cases even the shape, broccoli is not a favorite vegetable either . The health benefits of broccoli include vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B-6, as well as fiber, selenium, and diindolylmethane.

To make broccoli more appetizing, many people dip it in hummus, ranch dressing, or other sauce. Add a little bit of broccoli to your favorite salad to increase the health benefits of your lunch. One of the most popular options to get kids to each broccoli is to cover the vegetable in a cheese sauce. While a cheese sauce does not get rid of the health benefits of broccoli, it does make this part of the meal less healthy and higher in calories.


While fish is a popular option, millions of people truly loathe eating fish. The smell, taste, and texture are all cited as reasons for hating this food. However, salmon and other fish species are low in calories, high in protein, and offer the omega-3 fatty acids that you need for a healthy diet.

Fish, when cooked properly, loses a lot of that classic fishy smell and taste. It also preserves a good texture. Consider adding fish to your salad instead of chicken. Roast your fish with some lemon juice, garlic, and delicious herbs to bring out the natural brightness of its flavor. You can even start easy by breading and frying some fish to make homemade fish sticks.


Avocado is a great first food for little ones, but many adults find the texture and flavor of the fruit a little off-putting. The truth of the matter is that while avocado is a fairly bland fruit, the health benefits are amazing. It offers dietary fiber, folic acid, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B-6, and healthy fats.

Avocado can be added to a variety of dishes to help improve your diet. Cut up thin slices of avocado to put on your favorite sandwiches, or mash the fruit up to make a spread you can put on your lunch. Small avocado chunks in your salad improve its nutritional value. Cook up some black beans and rice, and add avocado to the hot food to help you feel full longer. Avocado is becoming a popular option for food items such as ice cream, smoothies, and more because of how healthy it is.


Liver is one of the many foods that people either love or hate. If you're looking for a protein source that has other benefits, liver is a great option. It offers folate, riboflavin, and vitamin B, as well as a variety of nutrients including tryptophan, selenium, and phosphorus.

Liver can be substituted for thin-sliced steak in a variety of meals. If you soak the liver in something acidic like lemon juice it helps improve the flavor and texture. You can also chop up liver and mix it with ground meats in your everyday recipes.

When you're trying to eat healthy, you don't have to take huge steps to include some of the healthiest foods out there. You can easily incorporate these foods into your meals, thus improving your vitamin and mineral intake, and helping to improve your overall health.

Categories: Recipes
About The Author
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Joan Lunden’s in-house research and writing team works with Joan to create content that complements her focuses and the interests of her fans. The team is dedicated to creating a thriving community through content and conversations, and hopes their work, like Joan’s, can make a difference in the lives of her readers everywhere.

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