5 Mobile Apps to Ensure Your Child’s Digital Safety

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JLP Staff

Parenting /

You may have taught your child to ride a bike and sing the ABCs, but we’re guessing he or she may have taught you a thing or two when it comes to technology.

These days, kids almost have an innate technological skill—effortlessly clicking to navigate the Internet, swiping to conquer the latest mobile game, “snapping” to connect with their friends. But with so much always-on connectivity, how do you know that the content your kids experience online is always safe and appropriate?

A common paradox for parents is moderating their kids’ online activity while maintaining trust in their relationship. Luckily, innovative apps and web tools can help the process.

Have a conversation with your child to explain the tool, its purpose and your intent as a parent to keep them safe. Once trust and understanding are achieved, using these tools can alert you to your child’s inappropriate or dangerous online activity.


Sign up for this online service with your email, and then sync your child’s digital accounts, such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram.

Bark will moderate your child’s activity within these accounts by scanning key words and using statistical analysis techniques. You’ll receive an email alert if it detects cyber bullying, sexting or even signs of depression.


Monitor your child’s text conversations, their social posts and messages their friends are sharing on your child’s profiles. After creating a restricted keyword list, the app will scan those words and notify you of any negative activity such as cyber bullying.

MamaBear also has features that go beyond social interaction. Through location-sharing, you can see exactly where your child is and receive alerts when they leave school or a friend’s house. The app even allows you to see if your driving teenager is speeding.


From blocking restricted websites to monitoring social media posts, this app gives you comprehensive control in ensuring your child’s mobile usage safety.

See your child’s social conversations (including deleted messages), recently visited websites and current or past locations. Pumpic even shows details such as incoming calls and duration of calls.


After a child predator targeted a family member through social media, the founder of uKnowKids vowed to create a platform that brought parents invaluable information and peace of mind about their child’s digital activity.

The uKnowKids website and app allows you to track your child’s mobile usage—everything from their Facetime call history to recently downloaded apps. The platform then notifies you of suspicious activity and offers educational resources along the way.


Be Internet Awesome

At the end of the day, your child is moving full steam ahead with their online activity. It’s important to educate them on how to make their own smart decisions online and on their mobile devices.

Google’s new Be Internet Awesome campaign does exactly this. Through an online game called Interland, kids learn about digital safety through a fun and immersive adventure.

Categories: Parenting
About The Author
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Joan Lunden’s in-house research and writing team works with Joan to create content that complements her focuses and the interests of her fans. The team is dedicated to creating a thriving community through content and conversations, and hopes their work, like Joan’s, can make a difference in the lives of her readers everywhere.

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