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Your Voice Matters! Support the Federal Breast Density Bill

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Joan Lunden

Breast Cancer /

All women should be educated on the density of their breast tissue after having a mammogram. But can you believe that this information is not always passed on to patients after completing their annual screening process? 

The Breast Density and Mammography Reporting Act will require the summary of a patients mammography report delivered to a patient after their screening state the patient's breast density and that patients with dense breast tissue may benefit from further screening.

Additional screenings for women with dense breast tissue can help detect early breast cancer, and early detection saves lives! In just a few simple and easy steps you can help support the Federal Breast Density Bill. Your voice matters. Help make a difference by clicking here: Are You Dense Advocacy, Inc. 

Request Congressional Support to Empower Women with Breast Health Knowledge

The Breast Density and Mammography Reporting Act of 2015 was reintroduced in both the House and Senate on February 4, 2015. YOUR voice matters.  Contact your representatives in both the House and Senate and ask them to support a national standard to report dense breast tissue to the patient through the mammography report.

(Read More) 



Categories: Breast Cancer, Joan's Blog
About The Author
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Joan Lunden truly exemplifies today’s modern working woman. An award-winning journalist, bestselling author, motivational speaker, successful entrepreneur, one of America’s most recognized and trusted television personalities, this mom of seven continues to do it all. As host of Good Morning America for nearly two decades, Lunden brought insight to top issues for millions of Americans each day. The longest running host ever on early morning television, Lunden reported from 26 countries, covered 4 presidents and 5 Olympics and kept Americans up to date on how to care for their homes, their families and themselves.

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