Another Shot, Another Boost
Another Shot: Not For the Faint of Heart
Normally in the days following my AC chemo infusions, I receive a shot of the drug called Neulasta. It's a medicine that helps the body to produce more white blood cells (WBC), which can get very low in cancer patients. This is important since these are the cells that help the body to fight infection.
I've been having a very rough couple of days, feeling very weak and tired, so I went to my doctor to check my blood counts. The normal range for WBC is 4.0-8.0 and my levels plummeted below 1.0. This certainly contributed to how I've been feeling.
It was recommended that I immediately get a Neupogen shot, a drug similar to Neulasta, both helping to boost WBC. One of my doctors actually called these drugs, "gods gift to oncology."
Breast Cancer Video Blog
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